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Ideas for kitchen design

When we think of ideas for designing your thoughts kitchen, you have to consider, perhaps, part of the kitchen at a time or pick a complete theme. A full title is based could such a thing as a design based on Feng Shui, which includes his all its principles. Feng Shui refers to the art of placement and can help you, your kitchen in a way that increases his good energy. For example, according to Feng Shui, you should not see the back of the stove in the kitchen entrance so you have to make the

However, as in the other direction, you may be a certain look for the kitchen floor, walls to choose storage location, this can be done in different ways depending on the amount of money they are willing to spend to try air-conditioning and kitchen. Here are some specific design ideas for your kitchen -

* The choice of the kitchen floor to the ground is important because it sets the tone for the whole kitchen. The quality of the soil texture, always wear safety glasses and has a dramatic effect on how you perceive the environment as a whole. For kitchens, laminate the two elegant floors, tile and natural stone and wood floors or. Ceramic tiles are a high quality product for a kitchen and make a dramatic improvement from any other ground. The only downside is the feeling of cold. However, if you prefer, you can opt for a system of floor heating.

* Kitchen countertops - When choosing your countertop, select a color and texture to complement your cabinets, floor or paint selection. Do not be afraid to two or more materials for housing mix. complementary colors and textures on adjacent surfaces create visual interest. I also remember, it pays to choose a material for years of use without extraordinary maintenance stand up and be easily repaired in the event of an accident. Granite and marble are strong options.

* Kitchen lighting - you can have a high ceiling, low energy fluorescent tubes that much of the ambient lighting and diffuse supply safe. However, you can stop working in your own shadow in the sink, stove and countertops. These areas in your kitchen lighting is additional work required. In addition to placing the window is a difficult question.

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